Thursday 14 July 2016

New generation O2 analyzers – What to look for

If you’re looking at upgrading your O2 analyzers, it’s a good idea to shop around and check out the advanced equipment before spending a cent. The main reason for adopting a professional level of fussiness in this case is that there really is a lot of very good equipment on the market. The main problem is finding it and pinning down the source for your equipment.

What’s happened is that the new generation oxygen analysis equipment is a league or two above its predecessors. The latest process O2 analyzers portable O2 sensors and oxygen testers really are superior products in so many ways. New measuring capabilities, new types of oxygen analyzers, and the usual quasi-bewildering supply of information and non-information car the big issues for sourcing purposes.

As a professional, you will have a pretty good idea what you need. What you may not know is that you can also source all the technical support and expert guidance you need at the same time you upgrade your oxygen analyzers.

By way of example – Quantek Instruments is a full service source for all types of oxygen and CO2 analysis equipment. This company does things better than most. It is not only a source for equipment, but also a great source for all the technical backup you need.

Better still, when you ask them questions, or need help with something, you don’t get a glazed look. You actually get expert guidance, and that priceless ability to anticipate and understand problems when you’re not quite sure what’s wrong yourself.

At the strictly practical bottom line level, they have a simple click and buy process which is sort of “Amazon for analyzers”. You can buy anything you need directly, and all good brand products, as well.

For more information, and a particularly useful look at the very latest equipment and benchmark prices on the market, visit their website here at Contact them directly, and expect an intelligent conversation with somebody who knows what you’re talking about. Many people in the business would say that that ability alone is as good a reason as any to check them out.

Sourcing Portal Oxygen Analyzers 101 – Finding a good supplier

Oxygen analysis is one of the most fundamental processes in a vast range of different types of quality control and product metrics. If you’re in this business, you already know that technology is doing its usual thing of creating a demand for more complex and more advanced equipment. You therefore also know that sourcing this equipment can be very much of an acquired taste.

The bottom line approach to finding a good supplier for oxygen analyzers is the safest, and certainly the most realistic, approach. You need a supplier which is able to provide you with not only the basic oxygen analyzer units, but everything else you need, as well, including technical support. You may need an oxygen analyzer which can deliver readings in parts per billion, or you may need to meet a more exotic range of analytical capabilities.

That situation, naturally, adds complexities and degrees of difficulty to finding a good source. Sourcing portable oxygen analyzers, process oxygen analyzers, and things like related CO2 analyzers needs to be done systematically. The easy way is to forget everything you’ve ever heard about sourcing this equipment and go straight to a major supplier.

By way of example – There’s a company called Quantek Instruments which is a great single source supplier for just about all types of oxygen and CO2 analyzers.

This company actually is a US market leader, and their business model is exactly what you need:

Top quality current generation equipment.

Good prices.

Straightforward ordering system.

Combination O2 and CO2 analyzers.

Excellent technical support.

Responsive customer support.

No fossils trying to pass themselves off as credible modern equipment.

Their other claim to fame is that being analyzer specialists, they can actually deliver all the products and services their clients need. The purchasing processes simple – you simply choose the products you need, pay online, and that’s it. Your order will ship almost immediately.

For more information, and for a really good source for your oxygen and CO2 analyzers, visit their website here at . You can contact them directly online or by phone.

How to source your O2 analyzers online

If you’re looking for a reliable source for oxygen analyzers, one thing you will definitely know about sourcing oxygen analyzers is that prices, product quality and service are the big issues. 

Oxygen analyzers are a non-negotiable part of the job in quality control. You must have everything you need, when you need it, particularly be most useful piece of equipment of all.

Needing to source various types of analyzers isn’t necessarily much of a help, either. If you’re routinely trying to source these oxygen analyzers, you may have had to jump through a few hopes to get the ones you need:

Zirconium oxide oxygen analyzer

Polarographic oxygen analyzer

Paramagnetic oxygen analyzer

Electrochemical oxygen analyzer

Ambient temperature oxygen analyzer

Trying to source a Polarographic portable O2 analyzer or ambient temperature process O2 analyzers may be in infuriatingly slow process. Even trying to source something as fundamentally useful as a portable oxygen analyzer isn’t necessarily much fun, or quick.

The bottom line here you need a source which cover all bases. You may be interested to know that there’s a company called Quantek Instruments Inc. which is a leading US online supplier in this field. They are an instant, reliable source for all of the different oxygen analyzers listed above, and ship to you ASAP.

These guys are market leaders. They have all the latest analyzers, and they are also a good benchmark for prices when you’re on the market for advanced equipment. They actually are a sort of specialist one-stop shop for oxygen analyzers. Whatever you need, they will have it.

The other side of the story is that as a credible source for a regular supply of oxygen analyzers, they are definitely worth a look. They’ve been in the industry for years, they have an excellent range of high quality analyzers, and better still – Actually know what you’re talking about when you ask questions about their products. For more information, and some reassurance about being able to source your analyzers whenever you need them, visit their website here at. You can contact them online or by phone.

Thursday 26 May 2016

New food and beverage quality control technology – Better, safer food is on its way.

Food quality control, by definition, can be considered one of the most essential, and one of the most thankless, tasks facing the food industry. Quality expectations and quality delivery to consumers are bottom line business issues – There’s no way around them. After all, that’s what the food industry is all about. New food analysis technology coming on the market is making a big difference, but it’s also highlighting many of the issues related to modern food analysis.

Most people know that food spoilage is the big deal in food analysis. What they don’t know is that measuring food spoilage and putting in place fixes and prevention measures for long product life is a science in its own right. Food spoilage can cause significant toxicity, and as well as terrible taste and some rather grim legal situations. There are so many possible toxicity and health issues that it would take a NASA-sized database to cover them all.

The core issue for food manufacturers is doing good science. Accurate analyses, efficient methods, you name it; these are all working dynamics of putting good, safe food on your plate.

For example – Oxygen analysis is very important. The presence of oxygen in packages relates directly to the speed at which the food deteriorates in the packages. Carbon dioxide, too, also contribute significantly to food spoilage and may also indicate organic contamination. The latest handheld oxygen analyzers, food package oxygen analyzers and carbon dioxide analyzers are the frontline weapons against food spoilage.

The new technology, in fact, is a virtual map of modern food quality issues and shows how they’re managed. A good place to check out these new technologies is a company called Quantek Instruments, one of the market leaders.

This company has a truly comprehensive range of high quality food and beverage analyzers, including lab-standard equipment for research. If you explore their website here at, you will see a whole range of technology and applications which you may not have known even existed. If you don’t know much about food quality and quality controls, these is the technology that will be making your food safe 10 years from now. It’s well worth a look.

When food industry and consumer interests meet – New food analyzers technologies

The food industry is arguably one of the most difficult industries of all for new technologies – This industry produces more new products per year than just about any other. It also has to deal with the existing range of foods, analysis issues, and increasing demands for higher efficiency and accuracy on a more or less routine basis.

Forget the new cooking shows and new cookbooks for a minute – The bottom line with any kind of food is the quality of the food which is actually delivered to the market. This applies across the entire spectrum of food industry products. With modern manufactured foods, food quality has to be measured very accurately. For organic foods, spoilage has to be monitored equally accurately.

The market is unambiguous about quality – Good food makes headlines, gets praise from critics, and is generally appreciated by everybody. Low quality food causes every kind of negative reaction, from class actions and serious recriminations to expensive fixes for problems caused by quality issues. Food analysis is a bottom-line issue; the better the food analysis technology, the better for all concerned.

A good example of the new food analysis technology coming on the market is a company called Quantek Instruments. This is a major food analysis technology business, with clients and 92 countries. They’re generally considered to be one of the benchmark companies for high quality standard analyzers like food package O2 analyzers, CO2 analyzers, oxygen testers, and a suite of other similar and related products. They are also suppliers for lab testing equipment, et cetera.

One of the reasons for using this company as a reference point for food quality analysis is that they offer a direct insight into the new technologies and new capabilities of food analyzers. The range of products is a virtual map of core issues in food technology, and also a good guide to the major issues in food quality for consumers.

For more information, visit their website here at Check out product specifications, and you’ll see an ongoing tale of major improvements in food technology.

How to source top quality O2 and CO2 analyzers

n any technology dominated industry, one of the major issues is which technology provides the best working values. In the food industry in particular, quality control is a major ongoing issue. The technology has to keep up with the products, and manage quality standards, simultaneously.

The result, naturally, has been to evolve a whole new class of analytical instruments over time. The latest oxygen and carbon dioxide analyzers are a case in point. These analyzers are without doubt the most widely used, and most useful analytic tools for any kind of food. They are used across the entire industry for quality control, product testing, and research.

When trying to source new generation analyzers, you are strongly advised to start looking at the top of the food chain. The latest analyzers coming on the market are a step up and beyond their predecessors. If you’re looking for high performance equipment, the first thing you’ll notice is that the new analyzers are much more efficient, more sensitive, and better suited to the current food industry technological environment.

A good place to start looking is a company called Quantek Instruments. This is a long-running specialist company, which has been in the market since 1995 and are best known for their exceptionally high quality of products. They currently have clients in 92 countries.

Start with their O2 and CO2 analyzers, which include process CO2 analyzers, infrared CO2 analyzers, MAP/CAP packages, and other essentials, and check out the product specifications. You’ll notice a combination of new products and some well proven high-functionality benchmark standard products in this mix.

One of the reasons for recommending this company is its excellent track record of putting high value products on the market. It’s a virtual one stop shop, and a good place to track new technologies and almost equally importantly, prices. If you check out their website here at, you’ll also notice the other important parts of the equation when sourcing analyzers – Same-day support, good warranty backup and straightforward, no-nonsense parts service, as well. You can contact them directly online or by phone for enquiries.

Friday 6 May 2016

Better understand the Benefits of a Portable O2 sensor in your Business

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are important elements that help you maintain balance in things like food packaging and in pharmaceutical products, but those products are also regulated as to how much oxygen or CO2 they can contain. While they might not seem like major factors to some people, those that are charged with the analysis of the levels of these gases understand the necessity of having the right gas analysis tools to really get good readings on a consistent basis. This is where something like process O2 analyzers come in handy, but it’s important for you to get the right ones when selecting the right analysis tools for your needs.

The question is, how do you go about picking these things? One of the best ways to do it is to figure out which options are right for your needs, and then talk to a company that has a range of products that you can choose from. This is a good way to get a selection of products that will work for your needs from a company that you trust to get you the right products for your needs.

On top of that, you can talk to them about your needs and get expert advice that can help you differentiate between a couple of different products that are on the market today. For example, if you are looking for the right portable O2 sensor for your needs, then they will be able to answer some of the major questions that you might have.

There are a number of choices out there, but only one is right for you

When you are looking at something like O2 analyzers, you want to make sure that you get something that has the level of specificity that you need, but that also has the right longevity as well. This will actually be a major factor in your costs, since the cost of a piece of analysis equipment is going to be written off over years, not months or weeks. If you have questions about getting the best analysis equipment out there, then it’s a no-brainer to go talk to Quantek Instruments today. They have a range of high quality products that would be perfect for your needs. Find out more by visiting their website today at